The Upper Nehalem Watershed Council was founded in 1996 to help maintain the health of the waterways and wildlife in the Upper Nehalem Valley. Nestled in the northwest corner of Oregon, the UNWC works with other organizations, community members, and stakeholders to complete projects and share information.
Having a healthy watershed is important. It impacts animals and vegetation which, in turn, have consequences for people and communities. A poorly managed watershed can see loss of habitat and species, contribute to larger flood events, and impact the economy.
With so many key interests, collaboration and cooperation are vital. The UNWC provides a framework for all stakeholder voices to be heard and to coordinate efforts towards shared goals.
Mission Statement: To foster stewardship and understanding of the natural resources of the Upper Nehalem Watershed among the stakeholders of the watershed communities in order to protect, conserve, restore and sustain the health and functions of the watershed.
Vision Statement: A balanced ecosystem that supports a healthy watershed which provides for an economic base and viable watershed communities.
Our Team